Investment Advisory

Investment Advisory

You may in your option get investment consulting and advice services from TEB Yatırım's experienced and specialized staff about the capital market products, and may thus guide your investments.

TEB Yatırım offers special investment consultany services specifically designed for its customers so as to enable them to achieve their goals. TEB Yatırım advisors guide the investors and their investments in tandem with their market-oriented and well-established working principles based on the rich experience of TEB Yatırım Research Team with its internationally and globally proven success. The Investment Consultancy unit at the same time shares its financial advices with respect to money and capital market instruments towards different risk groups. 

In order to be eligible for the investment consultancy services specifically adapted for you from TEB Yatırım, you are required to sign an “Investment Consultancy” agreement. Thanks to Investment Advisors to be assigned for you under that agreement, you may easily get financial advices best fit to your needs and demands, and adapted to your risk preferences, and designed so as to enable you to achieve your goals.

The Research Unit of TEB Yatırım follows all developments in the global market in respect of sectors and corporations, and assesses and evaluates the emerging investment opportunities, and instantly shares its suggestions, analyses and reports via both our trading platforms and various different communication channels.